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Tips to Make Your Home More Secure
- All trees and shrubs should be pruned and well maintained to prevent anyone from remaining unseen by hiding hiding behind them.
- Check that trees, down pipes and lattice work don't provide easy access to upper floors.
- Don't leave ladders and tools outside. They might be used to assist a potential intruder.
- Keep your home well lit, with particular attention to exterior doors.
- Exterior doors should be at least 1-3/4 inch thick and made from solid wood or reinforced with metal.
- All exterior doors should have heavy duty dead bolts and reinforced door jams.
When you Leave the House:
- Turn on automatic timers for lights and radios.
- Turn down the volume of phone rings.
- Arrange for a neighbour to watch your house, pick up junk mail, water/cut grass or shovel snow and give your house a lived-in look.
- Arrange to stop mail, newspaper and other deliveries.
- Leave a phone number where you can be reached, with a trusted neighbour
- Secure all of your sliding glass doors to ensure that they cannot be easily lifted out of their frames.
- Make sure your basement windows are protected by security devices.
- Never leave a door unlocked as security in case you lock yourself out. - If you can get in, so can a burglar!
- Lock all the windows
- Lock all the doors to your house.
- Lock the garage doors and the door of the garden shed.
- Arm your security system and lock the door behind you.
- Do you have a reliable security alarm system installed in your house? If not, we can help!
Have a safe trip!
Learn more about Magen Home Automation and Security Alarm Systems Services
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