Trade Partners
Magen Home Automation, the leader in Home Automation in Greater Toronto and Southern Ontario is looking to build long-term business alliances with complementary firms and professions in this region. By partnering with firms offering complementary services, we and our partners can enhance the services we offer our customers and deepen our relationships with them.
Partnering with Magen creates a win-win situation for the partners. And our customers win big too. By cooperating, we get more business and we do a better job. We support each other rather than run each other down. More satisfied customers mean more referrals for all of us.
You will recognize the need to partner with Magen when you have to deal with complex control systems that are not part of your core business. Magen can handle that part of the project and save you the investment in training your staff in programming. Or when your client wants components of Home Automation that you don't deal with. By partnering with Magen you will be able to accept the complete job.
Our Core Business
Magen provides integrated Home Automation service. We offer our customers a full service to completely automate any home, for every purpose. We never leave a customer with a partial job. And we take full responsibility for our work. So that if there is a problem or the customer wants to add or change something, he or she knows whom to call. They never have to wonder whether it's the window coverings contractor or the audio-visual contactor who deals with the issue.
Our core business is integrating automation subsystems, so that they all combine to work together seamlessly. And that's what the client wants - a house that works effortlessly without anyone even noticing it. We partner with other firms to provide the best expertise in each field of home automation. And we never compete with our partners in their fields.
How do the partners win?
- Partnered firms enjoy a better competitive position in the market
- We all enjoy larger volumes of business
- Our sales and advertising reaches farther, so we all get more for our money
- By cooperating on jobs, we reduce duplication of effort, errors and the need for later rework
- By cooperating, we deepen the relationship with the client, jointly providing them with services which they might not otherwise purchase
- We each concentrate on what we do best
- We avoid territorial wars, so we don't waste money and effort
How do our customers win?
- They get an integrated proposal so they don't have to chase around to numerous firms
- The interface between the trades is solid; they don't have to worry that something will be overlooked and might fall between the cracks
- Projects can be completed in a shorter time
- In a partnered service model, we deliver greater customer value
If you engage in any of the trades or professions below, consider partnering with Magen.
- Electrical Contracting
- Architect
- Audio-Visual Services
- Home Decorator
- HVAC Installation
- Home Builder
- Motorized Window Coverings
- Swimming Pools
- Security Services
- Landscaping
If you think that you and Magen can profitably partner, contact us at 416.658.5757
Let's set up a meeting and discuss it face to face!