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What is Whole House Audio?

home speakersBring music to every corner of your home by using one of the many flexible MAGEN multi-room audio solutions. Whether your home audio needs are very simple, highly specialized, or somewhere in between, MAGEN make it easy to find a solution that will rock your entire house. The possibilities are endless — with installation and operation easier than you ever imagined. And because MAGEN AUDIO SOLUTIONS are so affordably priced, there is a multi-room audio solution for practically any budget. Here are just a few of the many ways to bring music to everyone in the house, wherever they may be.

Enjoy Music Everywhere And Anywhere

ipod dockWith MAGEN's multi-room music solutions, you can enjoy your music virtually any where and everywhere in your home. With easy access to your digital music collection, multiple music streams from Rhapsody*, and your iPods, your options are virtually limitless. You can listen to the game while you’re working in the garage. Your wife is enjoying her favorite Top 40/broadway hits/reggae playlist in the kitchen while she’s finishing dinner. Your daughter is rocking out to every Britney song ever produced in her room, and the boys are cranking some horrible rap stuff in the game room. The best part? You have total control over what your kids are listening to, and how loud it is.

Easily Access All Of Your Music Sources

Like most people, you probably have music everywhere.  Multiple iPods throughout the house; hard drives, PCs or NAS drives with your digital music collections; stereos with your favorite local stations; and maybe even streaming music services like XM Sirius, Rhapsody or Pandora. It can be almost impossible to find that one, favorite song or figure out how to make a playlist using songs from different sources. MAGEN makes it easy to access all of your music sources from one, central interface – and even lets you create playlists mixing any of the sources.

Add multi-room music to your current home - no remodelling required

You don’t have to undertake a major remodeling project, knock down walls or start building a new house to enjoy the benefits of multi-room music. With MAGEN, your dealer simply connects Home Controllers, Speaker Points and Amps to your existing bookshelf or in-wall speakers and you’re in business. The system can easily access all of your music sources, giving you complete, intuitive control over your various music libraries.

Call Magen Home Automation today and our experts will help your whole house audio needs.


Learn more about Magen Independent Living at Home Products and Services

Click the links below for more information
Home Automation and Remote Control Security Alarm Systems
Home Theatre and Surround Sound Security Access Control
Telephone Systems Home Networking
Climate Control Motorized Drapes, Blinds, Shades
Automatic Lighting Control Whole House Audio Speakers
Security CCTV Camera Systems 24/7 Security Alarm Monitoring


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